职称:教授, 博士生导师
电话/传真: 0755-26036292;
1992:美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami)生态学博士;
2008-2011: 厦门大学生命科学学院”闽江学者”特聘教授和副院长;
2004-2008: 中国科学院研究生院教授;
2004-2005: 美国卡内基研究院全球生态学客座研究员(Stanford University校园内);
1996-2003:美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)Lamont-Doherty地球研究所副研究员及生物圈2号研究中心(Biosphere 2 Research Center)陆地生态学部负责人;
1994-1996:美国空间生物圈公司(Space Biosphere Venture )研究员;
1992-1994:美国犹他大学(University of Utah)生物系博士后;
1988-1992:美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami)生物系助教、助研;
主持科技部全球变化重大研究计划(973)项目“碳循环关键过程及其与气候系统耦合的研究”(2013CB9556600, 2013-2017)(2400万);
主持国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项“典型滨海湿地修复效果评估与功能保育关键技术研究及示范”(201309021, 2013-2016)(1591万);
1995:国家教委科学技术进步奖 二等奖;
1992:福建省科学技术进步奖 二等奖。
【论文与专利(2010-present) 】
1. J. X. Zhang, L.H. Gu, F. Bao, Y.L. Cao, Y. Hao, J. He, J. Li, Y. Ren, F. Wang, B. Wu, B. Yao, G.H. Lin, B. Wu, Q. Lu, P. Meng . 2014. Nitrogen control of 13C enrichment in heterotrphic organs relative to leaves in a landscape-building desert plant species. Biogeosciences Discusssions 11: 13127-13156.
2. H. Chen, W.Z. Lu, G.Y. Yan, S.C. Yang, G.H. Lin *. 2014. Typhoons exert significant but differential impacts on on net ecosystem exchange of subtropical mangrove forests in China. Biogeosciences 11: 5323-5333.
3. W.Z. Lu, S.C. Yang, L.Z. Chen, W.Q. Wang, X.N. Du, C.M. Wang, Y. Ma, G.X. Lin, G.H. Lin *. 2014. Changes in carbon pool and stand structure of a native subtropical mangrove forest after inter-planting with exotic species Sonneratia apetala. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91238. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091238.
4. J.X. Feng, J.M. Guo, Q. Huang, J.X. Jiang, G.M. Huang , Z.W. Yang, G.H. Lin*. 2014. Changes in the community structure and diet of benthic macrofauna in invasive spartina alterniflora wetlands following restoration with native mangroves. Wetlands, doi: 10.1007/s13157-014-0533-2.
5. Q. Li, W.Z. Lu, H. Chen, Y.Q. Luo, G.H. Lin*. 2014. Differential responses of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide to light and temperature between spring and neap tides in aubtropical mangrove forests. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 943697, doi:10.1155/2014/943697
6. A. Yan, B. Lv, F. Liu, Q. Li, G.H. Lin, Y.Q. Bai. 2014. FluxDataONE: An integrated solution for the management, visualization, andanalysis of flux data for agricultural and ecological studies. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, in press.
7. H. Wu, R. Peng, Y. Yang, L. He, W.Q. Wang, T.L. Zheng, G.H. Lin *. 2014. Mariculture pond influence on mangrove areas in south China: Significantly larger nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from sediment wash-out than from tidal water exchange. Aquaculture 426: 204-212.
8. J.L. Liu, H. Wu, J.X. Feng, L. Zheng, G.H. Lin*. 2014. Heavy metal contaimination and ecological risk assessments in the sediments and zoobnethos of selected mangrove ecosystems, south China. Catena 119: 136-142.
9. 郭婕敏, 林光辉*. 2014. 不同生境红树林青蟹的稳定同位素组成及其产地溯源意义. 同位素 27:1-7.
10. 吴浩, 靳保辉, 陈波, 郭婕敏, 刘飞娜, 谢丽琪, 林光辉*. 2014. 葡萄酒产地溯源技术研究与应用进展,食品科学, http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2206.TS.20140328.1532.031.html(网络预发表).
11. 林光辉(主编), 刘长安, 冯建祥(副主编). 2014. 《滨海湿地生态修复技术及其应用》。海洋出版社,262页,331千字。
12. 林光辉 (著)2013.《稳定同位素生态学:原理与应用》。高等教育出版社,492页,605千字。
13. L.Z. Chen, N.F.Y. Tam, W.Q. Wang, Y.H. Zhang and G.H. Lin*. 2013. Significant niche overlap between native and exotic Sonneratia mangrove species along a continuum of varying inundation periods. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117: 22-28.
14. J.F. Xiao, G. Sun, G.H. Lin, & 21 co-authors. 2013. Carbon fluxes, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182: 76-90.
15. W.Z. Lu, L.Z. Chen, W.W. Wang, N.F.Y. Tam, G.H. Lin*. 2013. Effect of sea level rise on mangrove Avicennia population growth, colonization and establishment: evidence from a field survey and greenhouse manipulation experiment. Acta Oecologia 49: 83-91.
16. Q. Li, L.S. Chen, Q.B. Ding, G.H. Lin*. 2013. The stable isotope signatures of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) in main cultivation regions of China: implications for tracing geographic origin. European Food Research and Technology 237: 119-126.
17. S.J. Bai, J.W. Li, Z.L. He, J.D.Van Nostrand, Y. Tian, G.H. Lin, J.Z. Zhou, T.L. Zheng. 2013. GeoChip-based analysis of the functional gene diversity and metabolic potential of soil microbial communities of mangroves. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 97: 7035–7048.
18. 冯建祥, 黄敏参, 黄茜, 郭婕敏, 林光辉*. 2013. 稳定同位素在滨海湿地生态系统研究中的应用现状与前景. 生态学杂志 32: 1065-1074.
19. 李清, 林光辉*. 2013. 稳定同位素技术研究湿地甲烷产生的微生物过程进展. 同位素26: 1-7.
20. 陈历水, 丁庆波, 苏晓霞, 李清, 林光辉. 2013. 碳和氮稳定同位素在黑加仑产地区分中的应用. 食品科学 34: 249-253.
21. 金波昌, 董双林, 田相利, 王芳, 高勤峰, 林光辉, 管建洪. 2013. 人工饲料对刺参幼参生长贡献的碳稳定同位素法分析. 水产学报37: 269-274.
22. L.H. Zhang, S.J. Zhang, G.F. Ye, H.B. Shao, G.H. Lin, M. Brestic. 2013. Changes of tannin and nutrients during decomposition of branchlets of Casuarina equisetifolia plantation in subtropical coastal areas of China. Plant Soil and Environment 59: 74-79.
23. Y.H. Zhang, G.M. Huang, W.Q. Wang, L.Z. Chen, G.H. Lin. 2012. Interactions between mangroves and exotic Spartina in an anthropogenically disturbed estuary in southern China. Ecology 93: 588-597.
24. W.M. Song, S.P. Chen, B. Wu, Y.J. Zhu, Y.D. Zhou, Y.H. Li, Y.L. Cao, Q. Lu, G.H. Lin*. 2012. Vegetation cover and rain timing co-regulate the responses of soil CO2 efflux to rain increase in an arid desert ecosystem. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 49: 114-123.
25. P. Zhang, S.P. Chen, W.L. Zhang, H.X. Miao, J.Q. Chen, X. G. Han, G.H. Lin*. 2012. Biophysical regulations of NEE light response in a steppe and a cropland in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology-UK 5:238-248
26. 黄敏参, 杜晓娜, 廖蒙蒙, 陈鹭真, 林光辉*. 2012. 东南沿海潮间带防护林主要树种的光合特性及水分利用策略. 生态学杂志31: 2996-3002.
27. 胡宏友, 陈顺洋, 王文卿, 董克钻, 林光辉*. 2012. 中国红树林植物种质与种苗过程的现状及其关键技术. 应用生态学报23: 939-46.
28. 贺林, 王文卿, 林光辉*. 2012. 盐分对滨海湿地植物番杏生长和光合特征的影响. 生态学杂志31:3044-3049.
29. L.M. Yan, S.P. Chen, J.H. Huang, G.H. Lin. 2011. Water regulated effects of photosynthetic substrate supply on soil respiration in a semiarid steppe. Global Change Biology 17: 1990-2001.
30. L.M. Yan, S.P. Chen, J.H. Huang, G.H. Lin. 2011. Increasing water and nitrogen availability enhanced net ecosystem CO2 assimilation of a temperate semiarid steppe. Plant and Soil 349: 227-240.
31. G. Sun, K. Alstad, J. Chen, S.P. Chen, C.R. Ford, G.H. Lin, C. Liu, N. Lu, S.G. McNulty, H. Miao, A. Noormets, J.M. Vose, B. Wilske, M. Zeppel, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang. 2011. A general predictive model for estimating monthly ecosystem evapotranspiration. Ecohydrology 4: 245-255.
32. W.Q. Wang, Z.Z. Yan, Y.S. You, Y.H. Zhang, L.Z. Chen, G.H. Lin. 2011. Mangroves: obligate or facultative halophytes? A review. Trees-Structure and Function 25: 953-963.
33. H.J. Liu, C.Y. Yang, Y. Tian, G.H. Lin, T.L. Zheng. 2011. Using population dynamics analysis by DGGE to design the bacterial consortium isolated from mangrove sediments for biodegradation of PAHs. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65: 269-275.
34. J. Chen, F.H. Wu, W.H. Wang, C.J. Zheng, G.H. Lin, X.J. Dong, J.X. He, Z.M. Pei, H.L. Zheng. 2011. Hydrogen sulfide enhances photosynthesis through promoting chloroplast biogenesis, photosynthetic enzyme expression and thiol redox modification in Spinacia oleracea seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 4481-4493.
35. L. Ke, C.G. Zhang, C.L. Guo, G.H. Lin, N.F.Y. Tam. 2011. Effects of environmental stresses on the responses of mangrove plants to spent lubricating oil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63: 5-12
36. H. Wu, Z.H. Ding, Y. Liu, J.L. Liu, H.Y. Yan, J.Y. Pan, L.Q. Li, H.N. Lin, G.H. Lin and H.L. Lu. 2011. Methylmercury and sulfate-reducing bacteria in mangrove sediments from Jiulong River Estuary, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 23: 14-21.
37. Z.H. Ding, H. Wu, X.B. Feng, J.L. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Yuan, L. Zhang, G.H. Lin and J.Y. Pan. 2011. Distribution of Hg in mangrove trees and its implication for Hg enrichment in the mangrove ecosystem. Applied Geochemistry 26: 205-212.
38. 周雅聃, 陈世苹, 宋维民, 卢 琦, 林光辉*. 2011. 不同降水条件下两种荒漠植物的水分利用策略. 植物生态学报 35: 789-800.
39. 宫鹏(主编), 林光辉, 应清(副主编). 2011. 《全球变化研究评论第二辑:全球变化与生物多样性》. 高等教育出版社, 北京. 262页.
40. 孙万龙,孙志高,林光辉,牟晓杰,王玲玲. 2011. 黄河口滨岸潮滩不同生境下翅碱蓬硫元素的季节变化. 植物生态学报35: 303-310
41. L.M. Yan, S.P. Chen, J.H. Huang, G.H. Lin*. 2010. Differential responses of auto- and heterotrophic soil respiration to water and nitrogen addition in a semiarid temperate steppe. Global Change Biology 16: 2345-2357.
42. J.Z. Wang, J.H. Huang, J. Wu, X.G. Han, G.H. Lin. 2010. Ecological consequences of the Three Gorges Dam: insularization affects foraging behavior and dynamics of rodent populations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 13-19.
43. X.Y. Cheng, Y. Luo, Q. Xu, G.H. Lin, Q.F. Zhang, J.K. Chen, B. Li. 2010. Seasonal variation in CH4 emission and its 13C-isotopic signature from Spartina.alterniflora and Scirpus mariqueter soils in an estuarine wetland. Plant and Soil 327: 85-94.
44. Y.M. Lin, X.W. Liu, H. Zhang, H.Q. Fan, G.H. Lin. 2010. Nutrient conservation strategies of a mangrove species Rhizophora stylosa under nutrient limitation. Plant and Soil 326: 469-479.
45. Z.G. Sun, X.J. Mou, G.H. Lin, L.L. Wang, H.L. Song, H.H. Jiang. 2010. Effects of sediment burial disturbance on seedling survival and growth of Suaeda salsa in the tidal wetland of the Yellow River estuary. Plant and Soil 337: 457-468.
46. B. Wilske, H. Kwon, L. Wei, S.P. Chen, N. Lu, G.H. Lin, J. Xie, W.B. Guan, E. Pendall, B.E. Ewers, J.Q. Chen. 2010. Evapotranspiration (ET) and regulating mechanisms in two semiarid Artemisia-dominated shrub steppes at opposite sides of the globe. Journal of Arid Environments 74: 1461-1470.
47. 林光辉*, 林鹏(主编). 2010. 《红树林研究论文集第七集(2005-2009)》. 厦门大学出版社, 厦门. 412页.
48. 林光辉*. 2010. 稳定同位素生态学: 先进技术推动的生态学新分支. 植物生态学报34: 119-122.
49. 陈鹭真, 王文卿, 张宜辉, 黄 丽, 赵春磊, 杨盛昌, 杨志伟, 陈粤超, 徐华林, 钟才荣, 苏 博, 方柏州, 陈乃明, 曾传志, 林光辉*. 2010. 2008年南方低温对我国红树植物的破坏作用. 植物生态学报34: 186-194.
50. 刘慧杰, 杨彩云, 田蕴, 林光辉, 郑天凌. 2010. 基于PCR-DGGE技术的红树林区微生物群落结构研究. 微生物学报50: 923-930.
51. 董磊, 李姜维, 杨彩云, 田蕴, 林光辉, 郑天凌. 2010. 红树林土壤中脂肪酶产生菌的筛选及酶学性质初探. 厦门大学学报(自然版)4: 570-573.
1. 李元跃, 林光辉, 黎中宝, 段博文, 王雷. 滨海湿地互花米草生物-物理防控方法. 授权公告号: CN102217481B.
2. 李元跃, 段博文, 林光辉, 黎中宝. 一种治理互花米草的方法. 申请公布号: CN103583179A.
3. 吴浩, 靳保辉, 谢丽琪, 林光辉. 一种分离葡萄酒中水仪测定H、O稳定同位素的方法. 申请公布号: ZL201410122981.
4. 丁庆波, 陈历水, 苏晓霞, 林光辉, 李清. 一种追溯与验证纯天然水果产品产地的方法. 申请公布号: CN103913550A.
5. 欧阳通, 宋兴达, 林光辉, 熊小京, 李秋蓉, 种珊. 一种用于处理含砷废水的化学吸附剂及其制备方法. 申请公布号:CN102553516A.
1.中美生态学会联合创办刊物《Ecosystem Health and Sustainability》专业编委(2014-);
10.国际湿地RAMSAR公约组织、世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)和 DANONE基金会特邀红树林专家(2009-2010),参与编写《通过恢复红树林等滨海湿地抵消碳排放》专题报告;
14.Journal of Plant Ecology-UK (SCI刊物)共同主编(2008-2011);
16.Journal of Integrated Plant Biology编委(2004-2008);
20.PNAS, Global Change Biology, Global Biogeochemical Cycle, Ecological Applications, Plant Physiology, Oecologia, Plant and Soil, Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology等SCI刊物审稿人(1994-)