◆ 2006-2013南洋理工大学助理教授
◆ 2005-2006法国国家科研中心博士后
◆ 2000-2005美国马里兰大学博士
◆ 1997-2000中科院物理所硕士
◆ 1993-1997复旦大学本科
◆ 第四批千人青年计划
C. W. Huang, Wei Ren, Viet Cuong Nguyen, Zuhuang Chen,Junling Wang, T. Sritharan and Lang Chen*. "Abnormal Poisson’s ratio andlinear compressibility in perovskite materials" Advanced Materials, 24,4170 (2012)
Z. H. Chen, Z. L. Luo, C. W. Huang, Y. J. Qi, P. Yang, L.You, C. S. Hu, T. Wu, J. L. Wang, C. Gao, T. Sritharan, and Lang Chen*.“Monoclinic Phases and Polarization Rotation Path Mediated by Epitaxial Strainin Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films.” Advanced Functional Materials, 21(1),133 (2011).
Viet Cuong Nguyen, Lang Chen*, and Klaus Halterman. Totaltransmission and total reflection by zero index metamaterials. Physical Review Letters, 105(23), 233908b(2010).
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